Dependent on the specific phases of the Moon, different energies from the New Moon or the Full Moon will flow through you
Lunar cycles informed our survival, and still do - the astrological sign they cycle through impacts our opportunities and success in every creative lunar cycle
The dependence of our indigenous ancestors on the environment led them to closely study the changes and cycles in nature so they could ensure their survival in their tribal area.
This traditional knowledge was handed down orally and through practical demonstration by the elders from their ancestors. The elders taught the upcoming generation.
Lunar cycles informed our survival, and still do
Knowledge of aspects such as the sea conditions and best planting and harvesting times at each day of the month were carefully observed and remembered and community activities were arranged according to the phases of the Moon.
Flow with the different phases of the Moon and the astrological sign that impacts it
Dependent on the specific phases of the Moon, different energies from either the New Moon or the Full Moon flow through you
1: NEW MOONS are increasing Moons
New Moons initiate beginning energy and new ideas, projects and adventures. New Moons also cleanse and prepare you for the times between the New Moon and the Full Moon.
2: FULL MOONS help you harvest and receive
'During the Full Moon you reap the seeds that were sown six months prior during the corresponding New Moon. These cosmic manifestation moments can be cause for celebration or major eye-openers!'
3: SOLAR AND LUNAR ECLIPSE amplify, expand and compound everything
Every Moon phase is a part of the astrological cycle
Every New and Full Moon is energizing the particular properties of the Zodiac sign it is moving through, as follows:
Full Moons wrap up your efforts with a triumphant bow
Many people purposely choose a Full Moon for important meetings, debuts and finish-line dates
14 JANUARY - Cancer
14 MARCH - Virgo
13 APRIL - Libra
13 MAY – Scorpio
11 JUNE - Sagittarius
11 JULY - Capricorn
9 AUGUST - Aquarius
8 SEPTEMBER - Pisces
7 OCTOBER - Aries
6 NOVEMBER - Taurus
5 DECEMBER – Gemini
New Moons set intentions & take bold steps towards new achievements
Every New Moon brings a subtle, powerful surge of universal energy that activates a fresh start for you
Every New Moon the seeds and actions of intention and inspiration unfold as the Moon becomes more visible each day. What you do with this monthly gift is up to you?
30 JANUARY - Aquarius
28 FEBRUARY - Pisces
29 MARCH – Aries
28 APRIL – Taurus
27 MAY - Gemini
25 JUNE - Cancer
25 JULY - Leo
23 AUGUST - Virgo
22 SEPTEMBER - Virgo
22 OCTOBER – Libra
20 NOVEMBER - Scorpio
20 DECEMBER - Sagittarius
31 DECEMBER – Capricorn
'Becoming aware of the New and Full Moon cycles has been huge for me'
'Becoming aware of the Moon Cycles has been huge for me as now I can understand why I have felt the way I did over the years. I’m a Cancer and because of my awareness of the Moon Cycles, I can now 'ride the wave' easier than before.
Every New Moon Meditation makes me reflect on those emotions that don’t serve me anymore and directs me to more of what I want to manifest in my life.
My actions have become much more focused and intentional as a result'.
SK, Hamilton NZ